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Hawaiian Mini and Large Ikaika Makaki'i Warrior Helmet!
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Most people call these Hawaiian warrior helmets but they are really called Makaki'i or Makini. The full size versions were worn by some priests during various ceremonies and also by ocean canoe paddlers.

Long ago during a visit by Captain James Cook to Kealekekua Bay on the Big Island of Hawaii, the ship's artist John Weber saw and sketched men paddling canoes wearing gourd masks and feathers. These men were members of a warrior society called makini and were intrusted with the protection of their high chief.

Today miniature warrior helmets can be found on car rear view mirrors and over home doorways not only as decorations but a symbol of safety and protection.

Small Hawaiian Makini Warrior Helmets<br>click here <font color=blue>.</font>Larger warrior helmets<br>Click here
Regular price: $13.99
Sale Price: $9.97
Regular price: $38.00
Sale Price: $30.97
Large Hawaiian Warrior Ikaika Makaki'i Mask Coconut Shell Feather Helmets
Regular price: $29.99
Sale Price: $22.99
